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Scale Your Impact

{SYI} Lesson 3: The Art Of Primal Self Re-Integration™ {Prequel}

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

Say My Name

I’ve Got Good News And Bad News

Let’s start with the bad {I’m a rip the bandaid off kind of Goddess}.

The bad news is that everything you have created up to this point is your living legacy.

The art… the love… the impact.

All of it.

Are you satisfied with it? If this were your last day on earth, could you truly say that you have completely wrung out your soul and bared your everything?

Or would your legacy be found… wanting?

OK, now shake that off. Because here’s the good news:

There is an ancient energy inside of you {inside of us all} that will not only allow you to create a legacy of cosmic proportions but also allow you to do it without sacrificing any of your current momentum or influence.

You want some of that action?

Yeah, I thought you might.

The Way In Is Through

You’ve got be willing to go deeper than you ever thought possible into the HUNGER OF YOUR SOUL.

I’m not talking about some fanciful notion of being an artist or revolutionary.


I’m talking about the howling that has been raging in your marrow for your entire life, demanding to be set free.

The only problem with this desire?

You’re afraid it might actually kill you.

Not in the dramatic, morose kind of way.

But in the way of Knowing that comes with any of the Ancient Callings.

And I’ll be honest here… You’re right.

The wild just might kill you.

“...Reality doesn’t impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls.”


A woman once asked me if working with the Ancient Feminine would call in all of her ancestors.

If, by unleashing the Wild, she would be attracting the pain and cruelty of certain ancestors she did not want to be in presence with ever again.

I know this fear around the power of the Ancient Feminine is present for a lot of women who are being called to {Re}Awaken the Wild within themselves.

The Ancient Feminine IS scary and raw and Wild and free.

She is all that we have spent a lifetime denying…

And She is everything that will set us free.

But in order to truly be free, we must be willing to die.

Just a little.

Or maybe a lot.

In the end, we must be willing to sacrifice our Old Self at the altar of the Wild.

And once we begin, we must be willing and COMMITTED to seeing it through.

Trust me.

You Cannot Evoke The Wild And Quit Halfway Through

She will not allow it.

Which is why so many women, who have tasted of Her, drunk of Her nectar… are afraid to keep tasting.

They are afraid to drink Her fully down because once the Wild enters, there is no space left for foolishness.

Because The Wild Doesn’t Play

She is here to clear us out of anything that holds us captive…

To gather our pieces that we have scattered to the wind…

And mold us back into a resonant temple that houses the Divine and allows Him/Her/It to work THROUGH us.

So let’s pause for the cause and give you a little kinesthetic-style learning intermission {woot woot!}.

This will open you more potently into your Wild Self… and why you haven’t been able to fully awaken Her up until now.

This is #GoddessAF part 3: {Re}Wilding As Goddess

Writing Prompts

And here is #GoddessAF part 4: Embodying Eros

Writing Prompts

This Is What Matters

I Am Going To Presume That You Have Not Bypassed And That You Did The Work.

No more rants {at least not right now, lol}.

{NOTE: If you’re intrigued about going deeper into Sexual Energy Transmutation, we go waaayyyy deep in my offerings here.

So now that you have gone deliciously deep into all the feels around your Erotic Nature and old encoding about Sex, Pleasure, and Womanhood…

Let’s get into the goods.

Allow me to introduce you to SYI Lesson 4: The Art of Primal Self Re-Integration™

Click Here To Continue

Here’s to your Untaming,



What’s the Primal Power that will magnetize your audience AND help you scale your brand into global social change… without depleting your energy or losing the momentum you’ve already gained?

You’ll Find Out In Lesson 4