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Goddessing The Fuck Up

Session 17- From Wounded Healer To Sacred Sex Goddess {The Embodied Action}

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➳ How are you committed to realizing your own Erotic Potential?

➳ Are you fully embodying that commitment in each area of your life right now?

➳ If not, what needs to shift?

➳ If you are, what's the next level you are being called towards?

➳ Who are you still trying to "save" in your life?

➳ How is that impacting your soul's work?

➳ Your intimacy?

➳ Your health?

➳ Your wealth?

➳ How can you shift and become completely Turned On in how you are relating to that person?

➳ What do you need to release in order to step into that new consciously connected and Turned On relationship?

➳ What do you need to believe is True for yourself and others?