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Gate 8

Gate 8- Storytelling & Messaging That Land The Fucking Plane Of Who You Are

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

☞ What messages or stories have you been sharing that are in alignment with someone ELSE'S idea of who you should be?

☞ How have you been fighting yourself as a way of not going all in on your own truth?

☞ How have you been distracting yourself from this truth by refusing to even look at it?

☞ Define and NAME your personal Creative Hamster Wheel of Doom.

☞ What is it going to take for you to finally, once and for all, get OFF that wheel?

☞ If you had 30 seconds to save/change the world with your message, what would you simply HAVE to say? {Or: What would you need the world to know NOW?}

☞ What is the thing that you can't NOT say?

☞ How has it not yet felt safe to drop into that?

☞ Where are you holding fear around losing everything or everyone if you fully stepped into this message?

☞ And what else might be true?