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Day 2

Day 2- Underneath The Quantum Moon (Act II- Quagmires & Inertia)

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➤ If I were completely and wholly uninhibited in the expression of who and what I am, then...

➤ A representation of me at full power, magic, expression, flow, and ease would be...

➤ If I were the full non-negotiable around being {and staying} all in on all of me, then...

➤ The demons I spend my time battling are...

➤ If my body was no longer a battleground, then...

➤ When I've gone all in on who and what I know I am, what happened was...

➤ And this felt like ___ in my body.

➤ And so then I...

➤ If I was fully locked in on being who I say and know that I am, then...

➤ The identities I hold that feel anathema or like the antithesis to this are...

➤ What I believe will happen if I make the wrong decision is...

➤ What I believe will happen regardless of which decision I make is...

➤ What I have on consciousness is...

➤ Where I give away my power to my constructs of consciousness is...

➤ What I already know and embody and allow to be the erotic, fuck yes inevitable is...

➤ But where I am uncertain, doubt, or push my belief into the "someday" is...

➤ I’ve held sway {and given existence} to consequences being an inevitability around…

➤ Where I've made being all of myself harder than being the acceptable, conditioned, and seemingly fragmented aspects of myself is...

➤ If I already was the truth, then...

➤ The armor I still hold around myself is...

➤ It's felt/been dangerous to be me because...

➤ If I allowed myself to be at full power, what would happen to the world is...

➤ And what would happen to me would be…

➤ If I was to completely surrender and free fall back into soul, then...

➤ But what might also be true is...

➤ If I knew with absolute certainty that I was a physically manifested expression of Creation // The Creator, then...

➤ If I could quantum collapse time and space, then I would be...