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Day 2

Day 2- Underneath The Quantum Moon (Act III- Suspending & Dissolving Disbelief)

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➤ The identities I now choose to delete and dissolve are…

➤ The tangential identities I now choose to delete and dissolve are…

➤ The identities I now choose to be {and own the fuck out of} are…

➤ I am already the entire damn thing, so...

➤ I am now exactly who the fuck I say that I am, so...

➤ It is now safe for me to be the full fuck yes of my desires, so...

➤ As soul, I am not now {nor have I ever been} alone, so...

➤ I now choose that my life is 100% fully turned on, so...

➤ I now consciously create worlds, so...

➤ I can choose how I experience my energy body, so...

➤ I have now decided that the energetics of my business are...

➤ And so...

➤ I now remember pussy as my tuning fork, so...

➤ I now choose to know myself as the primordial muck // the infinite void // the erotic dark, so...

➤ I am infinity calling myself back into the fullest expression of myself, so...

➤ I now always know what the fuck I am called to do, so...

➤ I choose to now live in complete resonance and surrender with the magic so...

➤ I am the fucking Wilds expressed, embodied, and evoked in flesh, so...

➤ It is deeply energizing, expansive, and grounding to live completely into my freedom and fullness, so...

➤ The vibrational frequency of the world(s) now flow through and as me, so...

➤ Thriving and abundance are my natural state, and so...

➤ I choose to experience myself in devotional ecstasy to God, art, pussy, and soul, so...

➤ I now recognize and remember that I have full access to Source, so...

➤ I now recognize and remember that I have full access to all of myself and my magic, so...

➤ The work I've done in seemingly unrelated areas has been...

➤ As such, I am now completely ready, willing, available, and the full fuck yes to...

➤ Which also means...

➤ There is nothing else I need to receive, so...

➤ There is nothing else I need to release, so...

➤ I have obsessed over...

➤ Which has led me to now being able to embody...

➤ And I now know that it has all been for my deepest evolution, so...

➤ It is now completely automatic for me to experience myself as infinity living its best life, so...

➤ It is now completely automatic for me to access and walk in quantum consciousness, without questioning it, so...

➤ I now experience abundance in every area of life being evoked as me, so...

➤ There is nothing else I need to remember, so...