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Oracular Somatics


Day 3

Day 3- The Language Of Bones

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➤ If you allow your spine to articulate, where does it feel like you’re getting cut off?

➤ Where do you feel sticky, disconnected, discouraged, etc?

➤ How is this showing up for you in your life, message, art, truth speaking, expression, body, health, intimacy, business, wealth, God, energy, and identity? {write them all out}

➤ Articulating and videoing yourself… What do you notice?