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Quantum Sex Codes


The Sessions

Day #2- Burying The Bones Of The Erotic Soul

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

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Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➸  What codes around your wholeness have gone dormant?

➸  What needs to be buried in order for you to step fully into this reactivation?

➸  How have you encoded that all aspects of your Whole do not make sense together?

➸  How has this limited or constricted how you have been showing up in your mission, message, body, sex, truth speaking, creativity, and life? {write them ALL out}

New Code of the Whole: I can be all of these things {and, really, I MUST} in order for me to be all of me.

➸  What do you have on this new code?

Repeating this new code {in your own resonant words} throughout the day, every day, for as long as needed, until it becomes as natural as the breath.

➸  What is the gap work you are being called to do around your code reactivation?

➸  What needs to be buried in order for you to step fully into this reactivation?

➸  Which threads are still living in your body {past lovers, ancestors, etc} that are holding you stagnant in your dormant code patterns?

➸  What have you encoded around being extra AF?

➸  What are the dormant codes around your erotic nature that you are being called to reactivate in order to allow your extra AF-ness to become your daily “come from”?

➸  What if you having it all, and BEING it all, was integral to your soul’s expression in this world, and it was THE dormant code that needed to be reactivated in order for you to be fully alive? What would you then allow yourself to step into?

Identify what is anathema to your soul and what is innate to your soul.

➸  And then ask: what codes need to be reactivated in order for you to go full fucking ovaries-to-the-wall on all of the pieces that are innate to your soul right NOW?