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The Business Of Soul


Portal 3

The Portals Of The Wilds #3- An Erotic Ecology Of Magic And Soul

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you can hit the "x" in the upper right corner to return here and drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

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Session Notes

This is a full accessing, unleashing, and surrendering of, into, and as your everything… And only in the ways that leave your heart connected, pussy dripping, and soul wide open. Ah, and only in the recalibatory thriving that guides you through each season and evolution of the entirety of the You. MmmmmmHMMMMM…


Finding Joe

Dax Shepard's Fear of Losing His Podcast Armchair Expert- Off Camera

Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts

➤ Where have you been confusing entitlement for enlightenment?

➤ And how has this been showing up and constricting your magic, intimacy, God, love, creative expression, creative process, relationship with the Land, and all of the things?

➤ If this is where you’re being called, why would you not say yes and be the yes?

➤ Where are you making it hard, because of what you’re telling yourself it will mean?

➤ Where have you denied yourself connection {intimacy, love, community, belonging} because of how you’ve been living into your oppression?

➤ Where in your business are you perpetuating the corner you’ve boxed yourself into?

➤ Where are you being called to come fully alive?

➤ Where have you been giving yourself over to temporal manifestations and making them your identity, rather than allowing yourself to experience yourself as life itself?