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{SYI} The Meaning of Life

An Invitation For Deepening...

Once you complete your session, you might desire to drop in with the Audio Visualizers as you journal and integrate your session. You might desire to copy/paste any Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts {into ie: Notion} or handwrite them out in your journal.

Wild One,

A while back, I was teaching with two of my mentors {and now dear friends} at their studio in Vegas.

It wasn't your typical yoga and dance studio, nor was it the typical vibe you think of when it comes to Vegas.

But this place was like nectar for me... It was where I finally started coming home to my own erotic awakening and creative fire.

And it was also the place I fell in love with primal movement.

Anyways, they put together a video series around what really matters for consciousness and growth and they asked me...

"What's the meaning of life to you?"

My response was something I think you'll really resonate with...

It's not the way most people think when it comes to success.

Here's the video:

It's super short {less than a minute!} and totally worth it.

Dive in and let me know what you think/feel.

And then, of course, here's the link for your next a-ha moment, {SYI} Lesson 6: The Ancient Goddess Archetypes, Part 2.

This is the final lesson in the main portion of SYI, but not the end of your bonus email series. {awww yeah...}

I'll be back mañana with a little Provocation for the connection between your yoni and your creativity...

As always...

Here's to your untaming,

Nikka "I Got Your Meaning Right Here" Karli