An Erotic, Body-Based “Bundle” + Ceremony With Some Of My Most Intoxicating AF Transmissions To Help You Release The Drama & (Finally) Unleash The Quantum Flow Of God, Pussy, Art, & Soul Into Everything You Touch {& Everything You Are}

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It’s Been A Long Time Coming

This evolution of sex and of soul.

This upgrade in the very fabric of your body… your breath… and your bones.

And you’re ready.

Kind of.

I mean, sure. There are parts of you who know it’s time and are 100% all in on this next embodiment of who you came here to be.

But the other parts of you?

The doubting, “who-the-fuck-are-we-to-even-try-to-step-into-this-dopeness” parts of you?

They’re doing their damnedest to ensure that you do not, in fact, level up and that you do not, in fact, go all in on becoming that.fucking.goddess. that soul is demanding you to remember you already fucking ARE.

So Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

Because you’re feeding at least one, I can guarantee THAT.

And sure, maybe you THINK you’re feeding the wolf who believes and who owns the shit out of who you are {and doesn’t waste time- or fucks- on who you are NOT}.

But when you get really real with yourself?

In the dark of night, when no one else is watching and the curtains have all closed for the last time?

You’re still throwing scraps to the other wolf.

Ensuring, every night, that she too gets to have a say.

And that she, too, is a determining factor in just how deep you allow yourself to go into the primordial realms of pussy, art, God, and soul.

And what it’s going to take?

To stop sliding this 2nd wolf scraps under the table and to stop allowing her doubts and fears to keep flowing in your veins?

It’s this:

Giving yourself permission to let go of the drama around being who you are…

And just fucking BE that Next Level version of yourself NOW.

Not when you think it’s time.

Not after you get yet another degree or certification.

Not after you complete your next medicine ceremony next year.

But now.

As in, RIGHT the fuck NOW.

So I did something.

I’ve curated an exclusive AF training ground, with some of my dopest and most primal teachings to help guide you out of the muck and into the erotic embodiment of your everything.

These are THE body-based liberation tools and resources to help you traverse and excavate your erotic truth, from the quantum to the underworld… and everywhere in between.

As you remember exactly who the fuck you are… and what you’re being called, by God and by soul, to actually DO about it right NOW.

Oh, and one more thing.

These are also the Distillation & Alchemy (DNA) teachings I use for myself and my clients to access and unleash next level pleasure, creative expression, wealth, and impact EXPONENTIALLY faster and deeper than ever before…

While ALSO grounding the fuck out of our nervous systems so that we can KEEP unleashing at higher and higher levels day after day, forever and ever, ad finitum, amen.

Join Us

Let's Get This Shit

This. Me. Now.

Let me in, Nikka!

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Once you enroll, please check your email for your login.

If you have already enrolled in a program with me, please checkout with the same email and this program will be added to your account within 24-48 hours.

If this is your first time enrolling in a program with me, please check your email for instructions on setting up your membership site account.

About Your Guide

Provocateur Of The Primal & The Wilds

Medicine Walker | Erotic Muse | Soul Alchemist | Storyteller | Mystery Broker | Sex Mystic | Body Poet | Yoga Teacher | Abolitionist

I’ve spent the last two + decades using sports psychology, movement, breathwork, sexual energy medicine, storytelling, and creative expression to guide powerhouse athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and executives into the reclamation of the Sovereign Wilds within their own bodies.

My work evokes and provokes the somatic decolonization of systemic racialized and sexualized trauma in the bodies of Melanated Kin/BIWOC creators {and white co-conspirators of the antiracism revolution at hand}.

And one thing I know today is this: We alone hold the keys to our freedom… and when we shake off the shackles around the immutable mystery we hold inside, we unlock our creativity and unleash our capacity for impact in the world.

I lead {re}wilding quests, ceremonies, and intensives {both online and in other potent “between spaces”} for Creators, Messengers, and Wisdom Keepers who have received the Call to further initiate their own innate power and expression.

You can find me living and creating at the crossroads of Erotic Abolitionism™ {my medicine and body of work}, archetypal storytelling, sensual body movement, liberatory praxis and practice, systemic racialized and sexualized trauma healing, multidimensional creation, decolonized energetics, and elemental remembrance.

I am a student of perennial creativity, indigenous wisdom, and the primal untaming of our own lives… and I am obsessed with how we can interweave our belonging, sexual energy, and art to activate the liberation and change we are here to midwife into the world.

The Primordial Magic Up In Here...

𓋹 De-Armoring Pussy & Womb To Attract, Align, & Receive The Desires Of Your Soul Ceremony

𓋹 Sex Magic For Collapsing Timelines & Shapeshifting Identity

𓋹 Pussy Magic For Traversing Realms & {Re}Wilding The Primal Self

𓋹 Your Next Level As Cosmic & Conscious Reality Now

𓋹 The Reclamation Road Ceremony

𓋹 Cosmic Ceremony

𓋹 Creativity & The Trauma Body

𓋹 Heart Medicine & Breast Massage For Embodying Your True Message

𓋹 Primal Sexuality

𓋹 Energetic Ecstasy For Humans

𓋹 Upgrading To The Next Evolution Of Your Soul’s Work

𓋹 De-Armoring Desire

𓋹 From Wounded Healer To Sacred Sex Goddess

𓋹 Becoming Intoxicating

𓋹 Microcosmic Bones

𓋹 The Secrets Of The Deep Work

𓋹 The Aetheric Abyss

𓋹 Breathing Free Air

This includes 19 videos, 5 audios, and countless Eros & Excavation Writing Prompts with deep + erotic AF ceremonies, trainings, and living transmissions to help drop you into the deepest and most erotic activation of self and soul evahhhhhh.

I haven’t added up the total value of these teachings.

But I can tell you it’s a whole HELLUVA lot more than you will be paying in #EmbodiedAF.

If I had to guess, which I am, because I just can’t be fucked to total everything up right now…

You’re paying less than 30% of what this would be if you purchased everything on its own.

Awww sookie, sookie now!

The Extras

➳ Private Nīk Nation membership site

➳ Lifetime access

➳ Unlimited access to future updates

The Bonuses

Oh… One More Thing, And This Is Important

You’re also receiving access to my Wild Nectar™ Dark Eros Tantric Trance Ceremony.

You most DEFINITELY want to go allll the way into the Wilds of THIS fucking nectar.

Just sayin’.

So stop, drop, and head your gorgeous ass over and join us now.

Join Us

Let's Get This Shit

This. Me. Now.

Let me in, Nikka!

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Prefer to go VIP?

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Please Note

Once you enroll, please check your email for your login.

If you have already enrolled in a program with me, please checkout with the same email and this program will be added to your account within 24-48 hours.

If this is your first time enrolling in a program with me, please check your email for instructions on setting up your membership site account.

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