Where Your Freedom And Expression Become 100% Non-Negotiable And You Remember How To Own The Fuck Out Of The Magic, Madness, And Mystery Of You

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It was always going to end here.

The hiding, the proving, the mistrust.

You were always going to come to the end of who you TRIED to be…

And surrender into the truth of who.the.fuck.you.ARE.

It could never have become anything else.

Because you were never meant to BE anything else.

Only the fullness of infinity being made manifest as you was ever {EVER} going to be enough for you.

And even that?

You still want more.

You still CRAVE more.

You want it all, holly fuck, but you want it ALLLLLLLLL.

Except… you don’t believe you SHOULD want it all.

Or, even if you think it’s ok to WANT it all, you still believe you shouldn’t get to HAVE it all.

Because somewhere along the line you started to {almost} believe the shit that the people around you have been shoveling and smoking.

Somewhere along the way, you began to LEAN INTO that thrice damned fuckery and do your damndest to convince yourself that you LIKED IT.

Because that felt safer, ya know?

It felt like… if only you could WANT to be who they TOLD you to be, that it would be less dangerous for you.

That YOU would be less dangerous for the world.

Because you don’t want to hurt anyone.

Because you don’t want to hurt yourself.

And the power, the bloodied, raw, primordial fucking POWER you feel inside?

Who the fuck could handle that?

Least of all YOU.

Right? RIGHT?

Except… again… you can only and ever ALMOST believe those lies.

Because you also never stopped feeling what you know to be true for you.

What you know beyond knowing is YOUR truth to embody and evoke into and as the world.

And so.

The ending of it all.

The wayward fecundity and erotic baring of your everything.

To them? Yeah, sure sure.

But really?

To yourself.

Because in all the tap dancing and shenanigans within which you have submerged yourself these past few months/years/DECADES, you started to forget who the fuck you ARE.

Or, rather, you have undergone an EXPERIENCE that tells your human mind and ego that you have forgotten.

But you didn’t.

Because you CAN’T.

You can only BELIEVE that you have forgotten.

But it’s there. It’s always been there.

The truth of you.

The unbridled power of you.

The limitlessness of you.

And so we’ve come to it then.

A reclamation of sorts.


Or, rather, a REVOLUTION.

Of not only who and what you KNOW you are, but who you now SAY you are.

Who you now fully BACK energetically.

Who you now OWN in every pussy drippin’ way.

A quantum uprising beyond the physical, beyond the conditioned, beyond the somatic memorialization of trauma and oppression that seem to have become fossilized in your breath and bones.

This is a shaking off of shackles and a howling of your freedom to the moon.

This is selfishness and self knowing as liberatory praxis and practice.

And, if you are one of us, this is your invitation home.

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Let's Get This Shit

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Once you enroll, please check your email for your login.

If you have already enrolled in a program with me, please checkout with the same email and this program will be added to your account within 24-48 hours.

If this is your first time enrolling in a program with me, please check your email for instructions on setting up your membership site account.

About Your Guide

Provocateur Of The Primal & The Wilds

Medicine Walker | Erotic Muse | Soul Alchemist | Storyteller | Mystery Broker | Sex Mystic | Body Poet | Yoga Teacher | Abolitionist

I’ve spent the last two + decades using sports psychology, movement, breathwork, sexual energy medicine, storytelling, and creative expression to guide powerhouse athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, and executives into the reclamation of the Sovereign Wilds within their own bodies.

My work evokes and provokes the somatic decolonization of systemic racialized and sexualized trauma in the bodies of Melanated Kin/BIWOC creators {and white co-conspirators of the antiracism revolution at hand}.

And one thing I know today is this: We alone hold the keys to our freedom… and when we shake off the shackles around the immutable mystery we hold inside, we unlock our creativity and unleash our capacity for impact in the world.

I lead {re}wilding quests, ceremonies, and intensives {both online and in other potent “between spaces”} for Creators, Messengers, and Wisdom Keepers who have received the Call to further initiate their own innate power and expression.

You can find me living and creating at the crossroads of Erotic Abolitionism™ {my medicine and body of work}, archetypal storytelling, sensual body movement, liberatory praxis and practice, systemic racialized and sexualized trauma healing, multidimensional creation, decolonized energetics, and elemental remembrance.

I am a student of perennial creativity, indigenous wisdom, and the primal untaming of our own lives… and I am obsessed with how we can interweave our belonging, sexual energy, and art to activate the liberation and change we are here to midwife into the world.

The Primordial Magic Up In Here...

➳ Day 1 // Where Would You Begin If…?

➳ Day 2 // And What The Fuck Do You Even WANT, Anyways? (live session recording)

➳ Day 3 // This Is Why You “Can’t” Have It {Yet}

➳ Day 4 // This Is Where You Learned The Danger Of You

➳ Day 5 // And If It All Got Fucked, Then What Would It Be About?

➳ Day 6 // An Inevitability Of Consequence & Disaster

➳ Day 7 // A Dirt-Encrusted Lens Of Limitation

➳ Day 8 // Quantum Seeing & The Potentiality Of You

➳ Day 9 // And This Is When You Claimed It As Yours (live session recording)

➳ Day 10 // Reappointing Yourself Upon The Throne

➳ Day 11 // Pimp Walking Down The Reclamation Road

➳ Day 12 // World Building & Reality Creation

➳ Day 13 // Collapsing What It Was Into What It Now Gets To Be

➳ Day 14 // Surrendering Into The Cosmic Cauldron Of Orgasm & Desire

➳ Day 15 // And If You Went Rawer, Wilder, & Deeper…?

➳ Day 16 // Intoxicating The Fuck Out Of Your Everything (live session recording)

➳ Day 17 // Your Desires As The Instinctual Of Course

➳ Day 18 // Selfishness & Self Containment

➳ Day 19 // Opening Your Thighs & Evoking Life As You

➳ Day 20 // And Then Pussy Became A Tuning Fork Of The Beyond

➳ Day 21 // Nectar Drippin’ Over The Realm Of The Now

➳ Day 22 // Aether, Anal, & A Wayward Fecundity Of Receiving

➳ Day 23 // Re-Encoding Colonized Constructs Of Identity, Allowance, & Initiation (live session recording)

➳ Day 24 // Reopening The Backdoor Of The Sacred

➳ Day 25 // And This Is What You Now Say That It Is

How This Goes Down

We gather for 25 days.

At least, that’s how many days have come through and said they want to be presenced with us right now.

And within those days, four will be live sessions {or recorded if you’re joining us later}.

The rest will be pre-recorded for you and uploaded into your private members area.

So What You Might Want To Ask Yourself Is This:

Am I ready to {finally} stop fucking around with the medicine of my soul and go {and stay} all in on all of me?

And also:

Am I willing and open to allowing it to all be experienced and unveiled and evoked MY WAY, without consequence?

If you answered or felt a “yes” to either of those…

Let’s get this shit.

The Extras

➳ Private Nīk Nation membership site

➳ Lifetime access

➳ Unlimited access to future updates

The Bonuses

➳ Activating The Remembrance Of Who the Fuck You Are (a dope af daily activation from inside my private client intensive, Mission. Message. Madness.)

Join Us

Let's Get This Shit

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Please Note

Once you enroll, please check your email for your login.

If you have already enrolled in a program with me, please checkout with the same email and this program will be added to your account within 24-48 hours.

If this is your first time enrolling in a program with me, please check your email for instructions on setting up your membership site account.

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