The End, The Beginning, And The Now

Published in


July 17, 2022


Nikka Karli

The End, The Beginning, And The Now

Holy fuckballs, Batman.

I just made an announcement to end all announcements.

Okay, not REALLY really.

But it certainly feels like it for me.

At least today.

Because I just closed down my main mentoring space, as I choose to allow in something that has been percolating for years.

Let me take you back a bit…

The year is 2019.

I am teaching my first ONGOING Melanated Kin space.

It is… transcendent.

On a soul level.

I have come undone.

I feel the brittle underpinnings of a colonized teaching style beginning to crack open.

And it is me that is found in the fault lines.

It is me {ME} that I find in the primordial muck bubbling up from beneath the crossroads.

Except… and yet…

The year is 2020.

And the world is fucking burning.


We are living in the hospital.

I am running my business and teaching from the family waiting room of the ICU.

I’m also experiencing a wholly unexpected and unprecedented resurgence of my childhood health and medical trauma, because I have not spent this much time in a hospital {outside of previous jobs}, since I was the patient.

My adrenals pretty much shut down.

And it’s my most profitable year money-wise yet.

But I can’t hold it.

I can’t even hold myself.

The year is 2021.

It’s a shit show.

On every level.

I hear that damn line “Just keep swimming…”.

Except, what if the ocean has become too much and I need to rest?

{But where do you rest when you ARE the ocean?}

The year is 2022.

The sleep-encrusted lens of soul is wiping itself free.

I think I might be able to breathe again.

I think we might be able to breathe again.

And then.

And then.

And then.

The day is July 17th.

And soul just came THROUGH.

With the thing I’ve known since 2018.

Really, that I knew way before that.

But 2018 was the year that infinite potentiality collapsed into A potentiality.

And today is the manifestation of and as that day.

It has been one for the history books.

Because the collapse made manifest.

I CHOSE that the collapse became manifest.

And here we are.


In it.

The space betwixt and between.

The inhale was drawn years ago.

And today, TODAY, the exhale was carried out into the world.

This is now, as we speak, the retention after the out breath.

This is the stirrings in the mystery and the void.

This is the embodied evocation of the yes that was wrought years ago.

And this is when those years become the now.

The die has been cast.

I myself have been cast.

And I am inviting you with me.

My business is evolving.

Wait. Scratch that.

It has already evolved.


The shift has happened.

We are now in the post-apocalyptic outcry of soul.

It’s time to burn the thunderdome to the ground and to the bones.

To dance and howl and sing over those bones.

To fertilize that ground with the {re}pussified erotica of the Melanated Soul.

There is more to come {and cum}, but for now please know:

The primary energy and focus of my business has shifted to work with Melanated Kin.

To the Erotic Aboltionism™ and quantum business energetics of the diaspora of Soul Refugees.

As such…

To my white co-conspirators of the revolution at hand:

You will continue to have various ways to play with me in the Wilds.

My Program Series, Decolonizing As Medicine workshops, and the forthcoming Wild Nectar™ Studio.

To my Melanated Kin:

The offering of the bones we are about to embark upon… The Refugee Soul:Ship… is simultaneously heading out to sea to traverse the waters and reclaim the bodies of our ancestral remembrance…

And is also coming home to roost and to root.

Creating new docking and new port.

Ushering in the power and magic and medicine of a decolonized revolution that will shake you {and the worlds of your creation} to the very core.

Fall Boarding is coming soon.

Watch this space.

In the meantime…

You are all {Melanated Kin and white co-conspirators} welcome and invited to stay for this ride.

My message will simply become even more… Raw. Embodied. True.

Sometimes, we will speak directly to the Melanated medicine and experience.

Other times, we will speak to our Open collective.

And within it all, I invite you to lean in.

Because shit’s about to get wild.

I love you.

Thank you for being with me in it all.

As always…

Here's to your untaming,


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A Melanated Kin-centered multidimensional writing experience for the kairotic moments in life and in art, when it’s time to {un}become.

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